By Cassian Schmidt

Published: Thursday, 05 January 2023 at 12:00 am

At Hermannshof botanical garden, we use the German system of garden habitats to select plants according to their habitat requirements, sociability and aesthetic qualities. This is essential to achieve long-term, ecologically balanced and low-maintenance horticultural plant communities in gardens and urban green spaces. Below is my choice of plants that will be perfect for dry and sunny parts of the garden.

© Jason Ingram

Key: H = height; S = spread; C = conditions; SI = season of interest; HR = hardiness rating.

Plants for full sun

Allium atropurpureum

© Jason Ingram

Multi-flowering, semi-globose clusters of deep burgundy-red florets. Perfect for steppe plantings with salvias and ornamental grasses. Self-seeds if conditions are right. H 80cm. S 10cm. C Rich, medium-dry, well-drained soil; full sun. SI Early summer. HR RHS H5, USDA 4a-7b.

Allium ‘Forelock’

One of my favourite alliums for open Mediterranean and steppe plantings. Elegant, deep-purple drumsticks with contrasting white stamens on tall stems, moving slightly in the wind. Good self-seeder. H 1.6m. S 8cm. C Rich, medium-dry, well-drained soil; full sun. SI Early summer. HR RHS H5, USDA 4a-8b.

Allium ‘Summer Drummer’

A spectacular Mediterranean species. Sends out tall, purple- mauve drumsticks in midsummer. Plants send out their new fans of chive-like leaves in September, overwintering fully green. Small groups look dramatic in open steppe plantings. H 1.8m. S 20cm. C Rich, medium-dry, well-drained loam; full sun. SI July – August. HR RHS H5, USDA 7a-10a.

Asclepias tuberosa

© Richard Bloom

A drought-tolerant prairie plant, thriving even in poor, sandy or gravelly soils. Bright-orange flowers in June, followed by interesting seedheads in August to September. Attracts butterflies. H 80cm. S 60cm. C Light, well-drained soil; full sun. SI June – July. HR RHS H4, USDA 3a-9b.

x Chitalpa tashkentensis

A small, deciduous tree with a beautiful open shape, willow-like leaves, covered with clusters of large, deep-pink flowers from June to August. Adapted to low humidity and summer drought. H 3.5-4.5m. S 3.5m. C Moist to dry loam, well-drained soil; full sun. SI June – July. HR RHS H4, USDA 7a-11.

Watch Cassian Schmidt deliver the winter lecture at the New York Botanical Garden